Dar to Moshi Bus travel is available for 24 hours in the week. This route is one among the busiest route in the mainland Tanzania and usually got much busy during the last months of the year.
Back in those days took al most 24 hours to complete a journey from Dar es salaam to Moshi. Currently is almost 9 hours you can reach in Moshi town from the Dar es salaam.
A Variety of Bus models are available for you to board to your destinations. Many companies has invested a lot of money to make movement between these two regions hassle free.
What Companies Plies On Dar To Moshi Bus Route?
There are many bus companies which offer daily bus services on this route. There are some Legendary bus companies as well as newly established bus companies.
The legendary bus companies managed to exist on this routes for more than 30 years while the new ones has at least 2 to 8 years in the Industry.
The newly established bus companies bring about stiff competition to the Legendary companies and has managed to change the Industry to the maximum level.
Some of the Companies operating on Dar to Moshi Bus route include: Dar Express, Kilimanjaro Express, BM Coach, Abood Bus, Marangu Coach, Esther Luxury Coach and many more.
How Much Fare Paid On This Route
Dar to Moshi Bus Traveling is the most reliable and affordable means of transport by many people. There are different bus companies which operates on this routes and every company charges depending on the class of a particular bus.
Travelers has an option to choose either to travel by Ordinary bus, Semi Luxury bus, Luxury Bus or VIP Luxury Bus. And all these class got different fare to be paid.
Passengers can be charged: Ordinary Bus around Tsh 30,000, Semi Luxury Bus Around Tsh 42,000, Luxury Bus Around Tsh 50,000 and VVIP Bus around Ths 85,000.
Dar To Moshi Bus Timetable And Destinations
Buses operates 24 hours in a week, Travelers can board the a specific bus early in the morning, late morning, afternoon, evening or during the night.
Below are the most used Bus Timetable used by many companies in the country:
Morning Departures:
05:00 AM, 05:30 AM, 06:00 AM, 06:30 AM, 07:00 AM, 07:30 AM, 08:00 AM, 09:00 AM
Afternoon and Evening Departures:
01:00 PM, 02:00 PM, 03:00 PM, 03:30P, 04:30 PM
Night Departures:
07:00 PM, 08:00 PM, 08:30 PM, 09:00 PM, 10:00 PM