Dar To Dodoma Bus route is one among the busiest routes in the main land Tanzania. This route has a lot of Bus companies which has invested many buses for regular travelers and businessmen.
Bus operations on this routes is available in 24 hours for the 7 days of the week. There is giant legendary bus companies as well as newly established companies.
Travelers can go for Ticket Booking at a particular bus offices located within the stations or their private offices out of the office. Some companies offer Online Booking option for the convenient trip.
What Companies Plies On Dar To Dodoma Bus Route?
On this route is where you will experience the unique style of traveling by boarding modern buses equipped with latest technology as well as latest amenities.
It is on this route where you will find the Latest Chinese Yutong and Higer buses with VIP seats. You will find a lot of Semi Luxury and Luxury VIP Buses on this routes.
Few ordinary buses are available on this route and often are used by local people. Some major bus companies which operates on dar to dodoma bus routes include the following:
Shabiby Line, BM Coach, Kimbinyinko International Coach, Super Baraka, ABC Upper Class, Happy Nation Express, Kamwana Express and many more.
How Much Fare Is Paid On Dar To Dodoma Bus Route?
Different bus companies charges different bus fare to customers depending on Dar to Dodoma bus route. Usually traveler charges on Semi Luxury is quite different from an ordinary bus.
Travelers pay more money on Semi Luxury and Luxury buses due to an extra services available on board. These services includes Air Conditioner, Washroom, Snack, Soft Drinks and many more.
Travel may pay around Tsh 25,000, Tsh 33,000 for Semi Luxury Bus, Tsh 36,000 for Upper Semi Luxury and Tsh 38,000 for VIP Luxury Bus. This apply for the Dar es salaam to Dodoma and vice versa.
Bus Timetable And Destinations
Dar to Dodoma Bus traveling got a wide range of timetable. Buses on this routes operates 24 hours a week though most of them operates during the day. Check out a list of bus timetable below:
Morning Departures:
05:00 AM, 05:30 AM, 06:00 AM, 06:30 AM, 07:00 AM, 07:30 AM, 08:00 AM, 09:00 AM
Afternoon and Evening Departures:
01:00 PM, 02:00 PM, 03:00 PM, 03:30P, 04:30 PM
Night Departures:
07:00 PM, 08:00 PM, 08:30 PM, 09:00 PM, 10:00 PM