Dar To Mbeya Bus traveling is the most used option by most of the people who are moving between these two cities. It is one among the longest bus routes in the country.
Traveling from Dar es salaam to Mbeya and vice versa is a hassle free trip just because many of the Bus companies has an online booking option. Travelers can book their ticket while seated at home or any where in the world.
Though most of the buses has only morning departures, But there are several buses which has afternoon as well as night departures in all stations. The choice remain to travelers to what time they admire to start their journey.
What Companies Plies On Dar To Mbeya Bus Route?
This route has blessed with a lot of Bus Companies which plies between this two cities. There are different classes of bus ranging from Ordinary to VIP Luxury.
Ordinary class buses are very few on this routes, Most of them are semi luxury class and few is the VIP Luxury buses. If you prefer low budget buses just choose an ordinary bus.
Some popular bus companies which operates on this routes include the following: Happy Nation Express, Achimwene Safari, New Force Bus, Golden Deer, Imani Plus, Majinja Special, Al Saedy Bus, Abood Bus, Msigwa Express and many more.
What Is A Fares Charged On Dar To Mbeya Bus Route
Travelers may be charged with different prices on this route by traveling with a bus. Bus fare may varies from one person to another depending on the class of a particular bus.
Every bus company has a different policy on a fare charged to a passengers but there is an average prices set by LATRA to be charged on this route.
Some companies may charge different prices on the same bus, And this comes when a particular bus has two section like VIP Class and Economy.
Dar To Mbeya Bus with Ordinary Class buses charges around Tsh 45,000, Semi Luxury Class Charges around Tsh 55,000 and the VIP Class charges around Tsh 70,000.
Bus Timetable And Destinations
Traveler have a wide range of selecting the time they want to start their journey. Dar to Mbeya bus has a Morning, Afternoon as well as Night buses with a specific depart times.
Morning Departures Includes
05:00 AM, 05:30 AM, 06:00 AM, 06:30 AM, 7:00 AM
Afternoon Departures Includes
01:30 PM, 02:30 PM, 03:00 PM, 03:30 PM, 04:00 PM
Night Departures Includes
07:00 PM, 07:30 PM, 08:00 PM, 08:30 PM, 09:00 PM