VIP Bus Transport (VVIP Jeoun Transport Company Limited) in Ghana provide for their customers a bus that has comfortable seats, air conditioning.
They keep time, large seats, extra leg room and they provide direct transportation without detours or long stops. These services are not necessarily provided for in the trotros (minivans) and taxis.
The company Bus Fares fares in Ghana are higher priced as compared to the normal buses. Normally, the roads are not well done. Therefore, some transport companies have tried to cure that menace by providing VIP Bus Transport in Ghana.
Traveling down a road that is not well tarmacked can be tedious hence the large comfortable seats with enough leg room.
On a hot day, the air conditioning in such buses is essential. Therefore, VIP Jeoun in Ghana may not be flight but they maximize on ensuring that the VIP experience is exciting and comfortable.
No pre-booking available, just show up at the terminal.
V.I.P Jeoun Bus Fleet And Service Line
VIP Bus Transport uses several buses from KIA Grandbird-Executive and Tour
Hyundai Noble-Tours
Young man Buses/Skyliner
Deawoo Fx Cruiser
Yuton Buses,Locally acquired
Scania Buses,(Only Operators of the Executive models in Ghana)
VIP Jeoun Transport Services
VIP Bus Company provide the following services to their customers:
Parcel services
Education tourism
Cooperate Charter
Religious Tours
Social events tours
Their buses are ready for private tours, personal uses, Group uses with special agreements with the company, They are ready for hiring.
VIP Bus Transport Routes And Prices / Fares
CBS Destination Fare Departure
Kumasi – Sunyani 30 6am – 7pm
Kumasi – Techiman 30 6am – 7pm
Kumasi – Goaso 30
Accra – Kumasi (Adum) 85 24/7
Accra – Asante Bekwai 90 9pm
Accra – Kumasi (Abuakwa) 90 6am – 7pm
Accra – _Mampong 90 6am
Accra – Obuasi 100 12/9pm
Accra – Dunkwa 105 8pm
Accra – Goaso 110 9am &6pm
Accra – Sunyani 110 Sam-10pm
Accra – Techiman 110 8am/pm
Kumasi – Tama 110 8pm
Accra – Nkoranza 115 8pm
Accra – Kintampo 120 8am/pm
Kumasi – Wa 125 8/9am
Accra – Dormaa 130 7am
Accra – Dro 130 7pm
Kumasi – Bolga 130 8pm
Accra – Juaboso 135 6pm
Accra – Sampa 140 7pm
VIP Bus Transport
Kumasi – Bawku 140 8pm
Kumasi – Garu 145 8pm
Accra – Tamale 200 8am, 12/4pm
Accra – Yendi 210 5pm
Accra – Wa 215 4pm
Accra – Nandom 220 4pm
Accra – _ Bolga 225 12/4pm
Accra – Hamile 225 4pm
Accra – Paga 230 4pm
Accra – Bawku 235 12pm
Accra – Garu 245 12pm
CBS Destination Fare Departing
Accra Akropong 95 ***
Accra Preastea 90 ***
Accra Tarkwa 80 ***
Accra Takoradi 65 ***
Accra Bogoso 85 ***
Accra Bibiani 85 8pm
Accra Dadieso 125 6pm
Accra Debiso 120 6pm
Accra Diaso 100 8pm
Accra Dormaa 105 7pm
Accra Drobo 105 7am
Accra Ejura 90 7am
Accra Enchi 120 5pm
VIP Bus Transport
Accra Bonsu Nkwanta 110 6pm
Accra Kumasi 65 4am – 12am
Accra Kasapii 105 6pm
Accra Mampong 80 6am
Accra Mi 90 6pm
Accra Sankore 95 8pm
Accra Nkrankwata 115 7pm
Accra Yeji 105 7pm
Accra Cape Coast 55 ***
Accra Sunyani 90 ***
Accra Techiman 90 ***
Accra Tamale 170 ***
Accra Bolga 170 ***
Accra Bawku 195 ***
Accra Wa 180 ***
VIP Bus International Route
VIP Accra to Lagos, Nigeria
VIP Lagos to Accra, Ghana
VIP Bus Transport Office Contacts For Enquiry
Contact: 0244904983 for Bookings
Phone Number: 0550583497, 0244460959 or 0244252016 for Inquiries.
Pls I want know the fare from swedru to Kumasi
Bus Fares has updated on the post above
Wow the prices are very cool and affordable.
Please can I get an opportunity as driver’s mate?
If possible please let me know know.
Can I get some of bus at kaneshi and where is it located exactly. When(time) does ur buses moves from Accra to Enchi .
Yes, they do move on that route, About time and location, Just call them on the numbers listed above
What’s the fare from Accra to Bibiani Please?.
You may call them to know bus fare on that route
From Ghana to cote d’evolre
How much is the fair please and can I get a bus at Tema?
Ghana to Ivory Coast price has been mentioned in the other comment, Other Info, You may call them for help
Vip, you people should give your customer care service people training on how to talk to customers when we call okay
Cos you pay them from our money we pay you with
How on earth will I call for enquiries and you answer without even welcoming and end hanging up,I tried calling back and you reject the call WHO THE HELL DOES THAT
I will like to purchase a ticket from Accra to dormaa via online, how should I do it and does a kid also need a ticket to boarder the buses. Thank you
To Book your Ticket, Click the Booking Link, But You may call them to get accurate info about the Kid
What’s your fare from Kumasi to Cape Coast?
If you do not see your route on the post or even in the comment, Just call those numbers above for help
I need to book from Accra to Tamale come tomorrow
Click the Booking link and follow all steps
Please we don’t have the fares from Aflao to Accra
To know price on that route, Call them
Please my parcel with a driver has not gotten to me. Any help?
Check them on the numbers above
Please I want to know the go to Abidjan
Just call the numbers above for enquiry
I want to know what time does the buse fleet from Sunyani to accra
6.00 AM
Most of the numbers I’ve called isn’t going through. Have them checked for its effectiveness.
It’s hectic going all the way to circle and back just for information.
Sorry for the bad experiences, Contact numbers has updated now, You can call them
I’m unable to reach any of the contacts provided above, I have some enquiries and I will really appreciate it if a legit contact can be provided
all listed contact above are the official company customer support numbers and they are online
It’s a lie cuz I hav bn calling dem for de past hour for an enquiry n online booking but no 1 is answering my calls. Poor reception out dere
Sometimes the customer care personnel are busy taking care for other customers, keep on trying and they will pick up
Do they ply Aflao to Obuasi?
Yes, They do have operate on that route
Please can i get tonight bus to Bolga
Yes, Call them for Booking
Can I get some of bus from asanko going to accra
Yes, Call them on the numbers listed above for Booking
Why is there no bus schedule showing from Tamale to Accra.
Also the Departure Days & Times.
Tamale To Accra is the the vice versa of Accra To Tamale
Good afternoon I’m trying anyone to assist me book a bus to Kumasi but no one responding
If no response, Just click the Booking link above and follow instructions
Please what time does the bus set off from Accra to Bogoso in the morning.
Departure times on that route are; 12pm, 3pm and 6pm on weekdays,
2pm and 6pm on weekends.
How much is Accra to Yendi
GHC 260
Please do you have buses from Accra to Tarkwa or Tema to Tarkwa what’s the schedule and how much is the fair
Current Price range around GHC 105
How much is Accra to Abidjan
Current price cost around GHC 480