Dar To Nairobi Bus Travel is the most economical means of transport for Businessmen as well as regular travelers. Bus transport on this routes available for 24 hours in a day.
You can travel during the day or at night between these major business cities in East Africa. Most of the buses which operates on this routes are from popular companies of Tanzania and Kenya.
Travelers has a wide range of Booking option on this routes, They can choose to Book either a morning buses, afternoon buses or night buses. All of these buses are available on different platform for Online Booking.
What Companies Plies On Dar To Nairobi Bus Route?
This route has dominated by the popular and giant bus companies from both countries. It is where you will experience the unique style of traveling on a long distance journey.
Although all the Bus companies operating on this route has their local bus routes in their countries, But they give high priority on this route for customer satisfactions.
Both Kenya and Tanzania has Big brand buses operating on this route. And sometimes there are other Bus companies from Uganda and Rwanda operating on this route. Below are some of the companies which operates on this route:
Tahmeed Coach, Dar Express, BM Coach, Kidia One Express, Abood Bus Services.
How Much Fare Is Paid On Dar To Nairobi Bus Route?
Traveling on this route is an easier process, There is no need of struggling on Ticket Booking. A person can Book Ticket while seated at home through different online platform.
All buses charges different fare on same route depending on the nature and class of a specific bus. Below are Bus Fares charged on different buses:
Traveler can pay around Tsh 65,000 or KES 3,200 for Economy Class, Around Tsh 80,000 or KES 4000 for Business Class. You can pay around Tsh 100,000 or KES 5000.
Bus Timetable And Destinations
Morning Departures:
05:00 AM, 06:00 AM, 07:00 AM, 08:00 AM, 09:00 AM
Afternoon and Evening Departures:
01:00 PM, 02:00 PM, 03:00 PM
Night Departures:
07:00 PM, 08:00 PM, 09:00 PM,