Home Tanzania Buses Baraka Classic Bus Online Booking Contact And Timetable

Baraka Classic Bus Online Booking Contact And Timetable

Mtwara To Dar es salaam, Morogoro And Dodoma Bus Prices

Baraka Classic Bus

Baraka Classic Bus Is a Long Distance Coach operator based in Mtwara region. They are well known for comfortable and luxurious fleet of buses.

The company has been in the transport Industry for years and has managed to build a well reputed brand among travelers and customers in the country.

Currently it is the only bus company that has facilitated the direct travel between Dodoma city and Mtwara town with neighboring town like Lindi and Masasi.

Travel in style with their VIP Full Luxury buses and Semi Luxury buses at an affordable prices.

What Fleet Used By Baraka Classic Bus?

They have a well designed Chinese Fleet to give you a comfort travel between point of your Journey. Their buses have comfortable leather seat to make you feel good all the time of your journey.

Maning Nice Bus Dar es salaam Online Booking Contact

The interior design will give you a unique experiences of travel all the way to your destination. Whether You choose the VIP class or business class, What you will experiences is unforgettable.

Below are some Amenities as well as Services which are available while boarding Baraka Classic Bus.

2 By 2 Reclining Seats With Enough Legroom
USB Charging System On Every Seats
Free WiFi Services
Free Drinks & Snacks
Air Conditioner Available (AC)
Multiple Television For Entertainment
Good Sound System For Music & Listening

What Services Does Baraka Classic Offer?

They Offer daily Intercity Bus Services In Dar es salaam, Dodoma Lindi, Masasi and Tunduru. They have morning and night departures to give travelers a wide range of planning their trips.

Warda Express Online Booking Contact And Timetable

Book your Ticket at their offices which located in all Bus Stations, You can also Book a Ticket through their Online Booking Portal on the Link below this post.

You can also make a Ticket Booking by getting in touch with their Agents or By Contacting them directly through those Contact Numbers Listed below this post.

They also offer Parcels Transportation services to all destinations on their routes. Parcel transport charges depend on the nature, size and weight of the respective parcel.

What Is Baraka Classic Bus Routes And Prices?

Below is Baraka Bus Routes and Average Bus Fare:

Dar es Salaam To Lindi Semi 32,000 Luxury 34,00
Dar es salaam To Masas Semi 41,000 Luxury 42,000
Dar es salaam To Tunduru Semi 35,000
Dar es salaam To Dodoma Semi 36,000
Dar es salaam To Ifakara Semi 30,000
Dar es salaam To Morogoro Semi 15,000
Dar es salaam To Nangurukuru Semi 22,000
Dar es salaam To Mangaka Semi 45,000
Morogoro To Masasi Semi 56,000
Baraka Classic Bus
Masasi To Ifakara Semi 72,000
Masasi To Dodoma Semi 78,000
Mtwara To Dodoma Semi 76,000
Mtwara To Dar es salaam Semi 40,000
Mtwara To Morogoro Semi 54,000
Dar es salaam To Newala Semi 41,000
Dar es salaam To Nachingwea Semi 45,000
Tunduru To Masasi Semi 15,000
Tunduru To Lindi Semi 24,000
Tunduru To Nangurukuru Semi 40,000

What Is BarakaBus Contact Number?

For Booking And Other Inquiries, Please Call Them On The Phone Number Below.

Baraka Classic Bus
MTWARA Pnone Number:
+255715164300, +255715749515, +255716140074

+255787009632, +255715127576

+255784531409, +255715127576


+255719774899, +255682545472

MOROGORO Phone Number:
+255786616157, +255715067013

DODOMA Phone Number:
+255718296333, +255655754565, +255784866930


Baraka Classic Bus Interior Views


  1. Sijapata Electrobic tiketi mpaka sasa. Nimelipia Temeke saa nne asubuhi. Nipo Ubungo nasubiri gari, Nimelipia kwa Juma Mpingo.

  2. Ask for job.am Peter Kirenga and holder of bachelor of procurement and Supply Chain management. My contact number 0734015619

  3. We love the services you provide through your Baraka Classic company. I am your long-time customer who travels from Lindi to Dodoma regularly. Please accept this suggestion and help your customers. At the moment I am aware of the rise in oil prices in the country and it has led to a rise in fares as well but the fare from Lindi to Dodoma has gone up so much that it has reached the point where I have to travel by dividing trip into segment ie Lindi to Dar Then Dar to Dodoma at least COST decreases. Please help your customers. Example, The fare from Dar to Mwanza does not exceed 50,000 / – compared to the current fare from Lindi to Dodoma Tsh 69,000 is too high. Help us.


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