Walia Bus Is a Chartered Bus and Group Transportation Services in Ethiopia providing daily intercity passenger transfer.
This is an Ethiopian National Bus which offers friendly long distance coach journeys to all major cities and towns across Ethiopia operated by professional Transportation companies using a Chinese bus models.
The company is in the transport Industry for number of years and in the recent days, They managed to mage a huge innovations in the fleet list.
Walia Bus Ethiopia Fleet Line
They have a modern and latest bus model in their Fleet list including the Chinese Yutong buses. Their buses features modern state of the arts with a unique design among the Ethiopian bus company.
Most of their buses are imported from China and they undergo regular maintenance services by their professional Engineers within their garage.
When You choose to travel with Walia Bus Company, Your trips will be enjoyable and of memorable remark. Below are some of the services and features which available within their buses:
Air Conditioner (AC) Services
Television Services From A Slim Multiple Tv
Entertainment From On Board Sound System
2 By 2 Reclining Seats With Enough Legroom
Free WiFi Services
USB Charging System On Each Seat
Free Drinks & Snacks Available On Some Buses
Walia Bus Ethiopia Service Line
The Company provide daily intercity transport services among travelers in Ethiopia, They have routes to all major cities and towns within the country.
Apart from the Passenger transfer services, The company also provide Parcels transfer services to all the destinations where their buses used to go.
Tickets booking are made at their offices available within all bus terminals as well as their own individual offices as listed below this post.
Walia Bus Ethiopia Local Routes
Addis Ababa To Bahir Dar
Addis Ababa To Mekelle
Addis Ababa To Gondar
Addis Ababa To Weldiya
Walia Bus Ethiopia Office & Contacts For Enquiry
Address: G. T. Road, Phagwara HO,
Phagwara – 144401, Nr. Poonam hotel
P.O. Box: 125
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(+251) 11-551-6609
* Main Office No, 1st / Espanos Church
* No 2 Stadium Ha City Center 1th Floor
* No 3 New Market Janbo Building 1th Floor
Walia Bus * Ba / Bahir Dar Office Patrol Hotel
* Gondar Office Cross (Piassa)
* Weldiya Office Shaleka Building
* Mekelle Office Under The Hotel
M, M S, No 09-74-24-24-24
Ba / Bahir Dar, No 09-74-16-16-16
* Gondar S, No 09-74-23-23-23
* Weldiaya S, No 09-74-25-25-25
* Mekelle S, No 09-74-19-19-19
Those of you who want to use Walia Bus bank account, please call them on 1000-23-30-47-0-51 place by asking for your money.
please answer your phone
Hellow waliya transport i need how much addisabeba to gonder
Average Price is 500 birr but you may call them to know the real time price
Where can I buy tickets from adisaba to gonder
Just call them on the numbers listed on this post to know the selling point
Hello can you please tell me the ticket price from Adiss Ababa to Gondor?
thank you!
Average price from Addis Ababa-Gondar is 500 birr
The phone number for Gondar is out of service please
Sorry to hear that, an update will be here soon