Home South Africa Buses Phola Coaches Booking Contact And Package Prices

Phola Coaches Booking Contact And Package Prices

Bus Hire In Middelburg And Witbank

phola coaches
phola coaches

Phola Coaches specialized in safe, cost effective and reliable bus transport and charter services with a proud history dating back to 1983. Their head office and main depot is located in eMalahleni (Witbank), Mpumalanga.

This comprises an administrative building, workshop area and offices, bus parking area, driver training centre, and wash-bay facilities.

Fully equipped satellite depots are situated in Kriel, Ogies, Middelburg and Hendrina. These depots are used for the servicing, re-fuelling and secure parking of our fleet of buses.

Phola Coaches also supplies passenger transport solutions to the Higher Education sector and currently provides a bus shuttle service to students at the University of Witswatersrand from their Braamfontein depot.

What Fleet Used By Phola Bus Company?

It has a substantial fleet of over 200 buses with the correct model composition and an average age of less than 3 years as opposed to the industry average replacement age of 8-10 years.

Future Coaches & Tours Contact And Booking Prices

Buses are specifically designed to comply with the stringent Fatal Risk Protocol Standards and meet the highest international technical and safety standards. Below are the types of their buses:
20-22 Seater Bus
35 Seater Bus
45-48 Seater Bus
60-65 Seater Bus

Phola Coaches buses conform to the latest standards and specifications which include:
Modern, quality buses of the semi-luxury type
Compliance to the highest international technical and aesthetical standards.
Live monitoring with automated updates on bus delays and arrival times via mobile apps designed to meet their customers specific requirements.
Compliant with the strength of superstructure requirements (roll-over protection), as set by the UN Reg 66 or SANS 1563, with assessment based on a physical rollover test.
The rollout of three-point emergency-locking retractor safety belts across their fleet, which are compliant to international and local legal standards.
Optimum seat strength and anchorages.
Phola Coaches has Improved seating design in terms of passenger safety and comfort.
Upgraded saloon heating and windshield de-misting systems.
Additional category seating configurations of 20-22, 35, 45-48 and 60-65 seats – enabling more flexibility with regards to pricing.
ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) system fitted as standard on all buses.
Engine compartment fire suppression.
Other features are available, such as on-board DVD monitors, reverse monitors and electronic destination boards.
Evidence of compliance to all legal standards, local and international, is readily available.

Phola Bus Company Safety Line

Safety is a core value of Phola Coaches and also the fundamental driver of our management strategy.

Munenzwa Bus Contact Number, Tickets And Timetable

Their mission is to become the leading bus operator in their field providing mass passenger transport services to clients that are high in quality, professionalism and cost effectiveness.

They add value to their clients’ organizations and protect their greatest assets – their people.

What Is Phola Coaches Contact Number?

Head Office
2 Schonland Drive, Ferrobank, Witbank
P.O.Box 13587, Leraatsfontein 2271
+27 13 696 2667
+27 13 699 2059
[email protected]

Witbank Depot
2 Schonland Drive

Depot Manager
Jabu Nkosi
+27 82 436 9507
[email protected]

Phola Coaches Wits Braamfontein Depot
Wits Services Department
West Campus
Yale Road

Depot Manager
Cornelius Simethi
+27 82 336 9724
[email protected]

Middelburg Depot
c/o Walter Sisulu & Protea Street
Depot Manager

Mike Ndlovu
+27 82 414 9771
[email protected]

Phola Coaches Hendrina Depot
Route Street

Depot Manager
Vusi Mthumunye
+27 81 816 7365
[email protected]

Kriel Depot
23 Quentin Street

Depot Manager
Julius Sebola
+27 82 851 1724
[email protected]

Phola Coaches Ogies Depot
Main Street Ogies on the R545

Depot Manager
Julius Sebola
+27 82 851 1724
[email protected]


  1. Hi,
    I like you buses would like to make some courtation from Carolina to Durban for 2 days


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