Mphakathi Transport Cc was founded in 2002. The company’s line of business includes passenger transportation in South Africa based in Emalahleni Local Municipality, Mpumalanga, South Africa
They specialize in Passenger Transport on a contract basis, scholar transport and private hires to schools, churches and groups.
The company is owned by Adam Mahlangu (95%) and Lionel Smith (5%). Both the owners are actively involved in the daily operations of the business. Adam is appointed as the General manger and Lionel as the Financial Manager.
What Fleet Used By Mphakathi Bus?
Mphakathi Transport provides a 24 hours service including standby Manager, Supervisor, Mechanic and Driver. They are in position of Passenger Liability Insurance to the amount of R50 million per occurrence with no limit per seat in the aggregate.
Pal Bus Services Emalahleni Booking Contact & Prices
Their fleet is equipped with Netstar Fleet Management Systems (live).
All their buses are roadworthy (licence and CF) and have Road Transport Permits issued by the Mpumalanga Government, Department of Transport.
Their Fleet Current Consists Of The Following:
65 seated semi-luxury & commuter buses
40 seated semi-luxury
28 – 35 seated semi luxury & commuter buses
22 seated semi-luxury buses
15 seated Quantum
Mphakathi Transport Safety Line
Safety of the passengers is their first priority
Maintenance and inspections on buses are done on a regular basis and the buses are equipped with onboard Fleet Management Systems. All their buses comply with roadworthy requirements as required by Law.
Their drivers are evaluated continuously and undergo Advanced Defensive Driver Training Program & Customer Relations Courses, First Aid Level 1 and Basic Fire Fighting. Their drivers comply with all the legal requirements.
Mphakathi Transport Workplace:
Safety rules to be complied with in order to ensure a safe work environment. A Safety record is kept in order to evaluate and manage safety sufficiently.
Enos Bus Service Contact Number, Timetable And Prices
Safety team:
The Safety Manager and his team is responsible for Safety, Quality and Environmental Management.
Mphakathi Bus Company Membership
South African Bus Operators Association (SABOA)
South African Road Passenger Bargaining Council (SARPBAC)
Mphakathi is a Level 2 BBBEE contributor
What Is Mphakathi Transport Contact Details?
For Booking, Timetable and other Inquiries, Please get in touch with them on:
60 Koedoe Street, Witbank
Contact Number: 013 692 3090
Fax Number: 013 692 3091
Email: [email protected]
Postal Address:
60 Koedoe Street Tasbet Park
P.O. Box 14353
Leraatsfontein 1038