Home Tanzania Buses JMC Express Bus Online Booking Contact & Timetable

JMC Express Bus Online Booking Contact & Timetable

Dar es salaam To Singida And Kiomboi Bus Prices

JMC Express.
JMC Express.

JMC Express Bus was established in 2007, They offer passenger transportation services between the Dar es salaam city and the central zone province namely Singida. They have daily schedule from both regions with some stops at Morogoro, Dodoma and Manyoni.

They are servicing a number of prime clients based both in Dar es Salaam and other regions in Tanzania. Their services serves not only Tanzanian but also those foreigners who used to visit Tanzania especially the central zone for various purpose

This company have other division which were awarded International Postal and Courier Services License by the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) and became the 6th entrant into the postal and courier services market in Tanzania.

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What Fleet Used By JMC Express Bus?

Their Dar es salaam to Singida route started on the early of 2016 with a fleet from Golden Dragon bus maker of China. They have a modern and Luxury fleet which bring tough competitions to their giant competitor ABC Upper Class.

Their buses are designed to make their passengers feel comfortable and enjoying their trip whenever they travell with JMC bus. You will enjopy the following features and services while you are on board:

2 by 2 reclining seats
Free WiFi Services
USB Port Charges
A/C services all the way long
Television Services
Soft Drinks
Bytes & Snacks

What Services Does JMC Express Bus Offer?

The company is committed to provide the best transport solutions and parcel delivery to clients in order to gain competitive advantage on both a local and international level, Their service has to be of world class standards.

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They are ensuring that their staff are competent to deal with all aspects of the business. They are trained to be fully conversant with geographical layout, road conditions and permit requirements for cross border travel.

Which Routes Does JMC Plies?

Dar es salaam To Dodoma Tsh. 22,000
Dar es salaam To Manyoni Tsh. 33,000
Dar es salaam To Singida Tsh. 33,000

What Is JMC Express Bus Contact Number?

P.O.Box 42051,
Dar es salaam,

Phone Number: +255677057405

Email: [email protected]

Office Location: Dar Es Salaam,Tanzania

For Booking Just Call:
Ubungo 0715 454143

Morogoro 0171 457376

Dodoma 0715 377911

Manyoni 0767 453839

Singida 0763 336664




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