Home CAIRO Golden Horse Bus Egypt Booking Contact & Timetable

Golden Horse Bus Egypt Booking Contact & Timetable

Luxor To Cairo Bus Schedule

Golden Horse Bus Egypt

Golden Horse Bus Egypt Is a joint stock company which operates in the field of Passenger transport service since 2002. They offer daily bus services to the public and private group of people.

They have a large number of Fleet to serve many governorates in Egypt. Most of their buses departs from Cairo to other cities and tourist destinations in the country.

Their services is reliable to both, The Local people like Businessmen and regular travelers as well as Tourists who used to visit the country.

What Fleet Used By Golden Horse Bus Egypt?

They have a very beautiful bus that are using modern technology. These buses are powered by Mercedes Benz and they features latest and modern Amenities.

EG Bus Egypt Booking Hotline, Tickets And Timetable

On their buses you will experience unique features like 2 By 2 Comfortable Seats, USB Charging Ports And Touch Screen Tablet on every seat.

Other Features include Air Conditioner, Overhead Reading Lights, Luggage Compartment, Arm Rest And Extra Legroom.

What Service Does Golden Coaches Offer?

Golden Horse Bus Egypt offer daily bus service in Lower Egypt, Delta, Red Sea and South Sinai regions. Their service is very luxury and their staff are very caring.

Their public bus service trip depart from various station in the country. You can Book your Tickets at their offices located in the bus stations.

Online Booking option is available through the Booking Link listed below this post. You can also Book your by getting in touch with the Customer Care Number listed below this post.

Go Bus Egypt Cairo To Dahab Booking Hotline

What Is Golden Horse Bus Egypt Routes And Timetable?

Luxor To Cairo
Cairo To Luxor
Luxor To Giza
Giza To Luxor
Al Maris To Cairo

What Is Golden Bus Egypt Contact Number?

In order to meet your demands, They are keen to communicate with you personally. They are always happy to gain your satisfaction and happiness.

They are pleased to communicate with you and receive your suggestions and inquiries about reservations and complaints.

Hotline Number: 19934

Email: [email protected]


Golden Horse Bus Egypt Interior View


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