Home HARARE ZUPCO Bus Bulawayo To Harare Contact Details, Timetable

ZUPCO Bus Bulawayo To Harare Contact Details, Timetable

Zupco Bus
Zupco Bus

ZUPCO Bus also known as Zimbabwe United Passenger Company is a road transport company incorporated and registered in Zimbabwe with the mandate to provide rural, urban and regional passenger travel services.

Since independence, the company has remained the single largest bus services operating the country both in terms of size of fleet of buses and the spread of operations throughout the country.

With its Head Office at 109 Belvedere Road in Harare, ZUPCO Bus runs its activities through two main divisions, namely the Northern Region based in Harare and the Southern Region based in Bulawayo.

Since 2011, The company has been embarking on a strategic course aimed at recapitalizing the business and refocusing its activities in order to exceed the expectations of its customers.

This has seen the purchase of a modern fleet of ZUPCO Bus, which are plying the rural, urban and regional routes. The recapitalization programme is on going, with an additional fleet of buses underway to boost the existing capacity.

In line with their passenger centred focus, our work ethos has evolved into a solid commitment towards the following key deliverables:

(a) Customer Satisfaction;
(b) Service Excellence;
(c) Employee Development;
(d) Operating environmentally friendly vehicles.

ZUPCO Bus Fleet Line

Their current fleet of buses was custom made for ZUPCO by a Chinese vehicle manufacturer, First Automotive Group Corporation.

The company which has been in existence since 1956 was previously known as First Automotive Works (FAW), from which we derive the name that is on their blue and gold fleet.

Being custom made for ZUPCO Bus, Their current fleet is well kept and maintained using on site technical back up and support by a dedicated team from FAW.

They work closely with their engineers to ensure that all their buses are in to notch condition to ferry their valued customers to all destinations inside and outside Zimbabwe.

Lux Line takes the affordability, reliability and safety you have come to know and trust and combines it with added comfort and convenience.

For ZUPCO Bus Lux Line, reminds them that what makes the journey enjoyable is not getting there in one piece but how you get there.

So in addition to the great service you get on their standard buses, Lux Line brings you the following extra comforts of life:
Spacious Reclining Seats
No more hand luggage in the isle
Individual lighting and air conditioning
On board extras like Television, Music System, Toilets, & many more

Apart from the television, there is a radio to serenade you all the way to your final destination. No need to wait for a truck stop or food outlet, Lux Line is a one stop shop. Whether you want hot or cold water, Lux Line has your back.

ZUPCO Bus Products & Service Line

They have a fleet of over 200 buses in Zimbabwe sourced from a range of local and international suppliers. Since 2010, the company has been in a strategic partnership with Chinese bus manufacturer FAW.

They enabling it to purchase modern vehicles for use in its operations. Through this wide base of buses, ZUPCO has tailored its operations to offer the following range of services:

ZUPCO Bus Rural Service
The company has purposefully invested and is constantly looking into ways of providing a safe and reliable service for their previously neglected rural folk.

Thus the company provides daily scheduled bus service to many rural areas dotted around the country.

Urban Passenger Service
In line with being a market driven player in the industry, the company has also sought to alleviate the suffering of the urban consumer who is made to pay hiked fares during peak hours by commuter omnibuses.

The company has therefore reintroduced the urban bus routes at an affordable fare during the morning and evening peak hours.

ZUPCO Bus Regional Bus Operations
The company offers affordable, direct, safe and reliable bus services to regional countries such as Zambia and Malawi.

Bus Hire Services
In addition to their normal scheduled bus runs, ZUPCO also offers their clients the opportunity to hire their buses at affordable rates for their corporate functions, weddings, funerals, and other events.

ZUPCO Bus Routes, Fares & Time Tables

Being the single largest provider of road passenger services in Zimbabwe, ZUPCO has a wide network of routes under its operations.

One of their key successes, since independence, has been the provision of transport services to rural communities.

This has seen previously inaccessible areas now becoming more open and therefore better able to participate in the national economy.

Latest Bus Fares / Prices

Distance ZUPCO Bus Fare ZWL ZUPCO Bus Fare USD (Estimated) ZUPCO Kombi ZWL ZUPCO Kombi ZWL USD$ (Estimated)
1-20km $140.00 US$0.25 $220.00 US$0.39
21-30km $180.00 US$0.32 $260.00 US$0.46
31-40km $220.00 US$0.39 $0.00 US$0.00

ZUPCO Bus Offices & Contacts For Enquiry

Head Office
109 Belvedere Road
PO Box 3298, Harare
Tel: 263 4 751 293/ 6.
Fax: 263 4 730 151

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 086 44 777 777

ZUPCO Bus Northern Division
9 Hood Road, Southeron, Harare.
Tel: 086 44 051 454
Southern Division
Stand No. 2200A Khami Road
PO Box 1779, Bulawayo
Tel: 263 9 67291/3/8 or 086 44 053 899.
Fax: 263 9 76101



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