Unlimited Gifts Limited popular known as UGL Bus services Is a Zambia based bus company which is a successor of Mazhandu Family Bus services.
The UGL Bus came into operations early in the year 2017 as a sister company of Mazhandu Bus Services.
They are using the same color and types of fleet with the parent company and even their staffs use the same offices both in Zambia and South Africa. Since they have started to operate their coaches,
They managed to get good reputations from their customers.
What Fleet Used By Unlimited Gifts Limited?
UGL has the best and smart coaches among the transport service providers in Zambia. All of their buses are Scania brand with clean and modern bodies from various makers like Marcopolo (G6 & G7), Higer and Neo Bus.
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Their buses are customized to meet their Passengers demands hence they have fitted with good Plasma Television to entertain you all the way long with a good music system.
Some of them have Television each side of the bus and other on a single row at the center of the roof.
Unlimited Gifts Limited has a full of A/C services from the departure to the destination point of your trips. Don’t forget their buses also have free WiFi for you to enjoy internet and USB charging system to power up your smartphones.
All of their buses have 2 by 2 seating arrangement with enough Legs space to give you a comfort travell. Their seats are reclining and smart all the time.
What Service Does Unlimited Gifts Limited Offer?
Their main purpose is the Transportation of Passenger within Zambia and out of their boarder.
They have achieved to transport their passenger in a smart way like the Mazhandu Family Bus Services are doing in the Industry.
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They have daily departure in all of the station where their buses goes in Zambia and a specific day departure for South Africa Route from Zambia.
Also Unlimited Gifts Limited have a pick up point in some towns where their buses passes to a certain destination.
Apart from Passenger transport services, UGL also provide Courier Services to their customers with daily scheduled transport.
All of their buses have pulling trailer which are special for carrying passengers and customers bulk and small luggage. This service is available within Zambia and South Africa route as well.
Which Routes Does UGL Bus Plies?
Johannesburg To Lusaka
Dep> 8.00hrs
Lusaka To Johannesburg
Dept> 8.00hrs
Lusaka To Kitwe
Lusaka To Livingstone
What Is Unlimited Gifts Limited Contact Number?
Lusaka Office:
+260 961 806060, +260 963 915943, +260 973 668983
Email: [email protected]
Lusaka Cargo collection +260 979 999 168
+27710887928, +27 604 092 031, +27 716 391 769