Home Tanzania Buses Simba Mtoto Bus Online Booking Contact And Timetable

Simba Mtoto Bus Online Booking Contact And Timetable

Dodoma To Tanga Bus Prices And Schedule

Simba Mtoto Bus
Simba Mtoto Bus

Simba Mtoto Bus (Transport Ltd) is a private limited company established in 1988 under Tanzanian company laws. With humble beginnings in 1988 the company has grown to become familiar name in Tanzania transport industry.

The huge experience in operations of all types of cargo transport and passenger transport enables us to make excellent customer service as a bench mark for the transport sector.

The company has headquarters in Tanga City, Tanzania and has branches and depots in Dar Es Salaam, Morogoro, Dodoma and Arusha.

Almost 250 staffs are employed with drivers and other office staff under the leadership of Managing Director, Director and company CEO.

What Fleet Used By Simba Mtoto Bus?

The company fleet list is made up by SCANIA, Golden Dragon and Yutong. Among these companies SCANIA contributes 90% of their passenger vehicles which known to comfortable journeys.

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Their freight transport is undertaking by fleet of SCANIA, FAW and Yutong trucks. These trucks are equipped with flat bed trailers, Side Body trailers and Tippers.

What Services Does The Company Offer?

Passenger Transport
Simba Mtoto Bus has passenger buses made by SCANIA, Golden Dragon and Yutong.

Among these companies SCANIA contributes 90% of their passenger vehicles which known to safe and comfortable journeys. Air conditioned and ordinary Buses are available.

freight transport
Their freight transport is undertaking by a fleet of SCANIA, FAW and Yutong trucks.

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These trucks are equipped with flat bed trailers, Side Body trailers and Tippers. Their trucks are equipped with satellite tracking system for real time tracking of cargo and vehicle.

Which Routes Does Simba Mtoto Bus Operates?

Tanga To Dar es salaam
Tanga To Dodoma
Tanga To Turiani

What Is Simba Mtoto Contact Number?

Get In Touch With Simba Mtoto Bus On The Following Contacts:
Tanga booking office numbers
Booking Agent 1: 0715 613 680
Booking Agent 2: 0675 726 234
Bus terminal : 0677 019 861

Dar Es Salaam booking office numbers
Booking Agent 1: 0655 421 543
Booking Agent 2: 0717 929 600

Email: [email protected]

Simba Mtoto Bus Interior



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