Home KAMPALA Perfect Coaches Kampala To Rukungiri Contacts & Booking

Perfect Coaches Kampala To Rukungiri Contacts & Booking

Perfect Coaches Uganda
Perfect Coaches Uganda

Perfect Coaches Is a Passengers transportation company which offer a Comfortable and an amazing experience of Traveling in Uganda territory.

The company offer a premium Bus services within the country with an Insurance cover on their vehicle for the perfect security of the company and Travellers.

You can Travel from Kampala to Rukungiri, through Masaka, Mbarara and Ntungamo at an affordable bus fares and Parcel prices respectively. Get in touch with them to plan your Journey.

Perfect Coaches Uganda Fleet Line

The company has a good number of vehicle in their list for the daily routine within Uganda. Most of their Buses are newly imported from China from the manufacturer like Kinglong.

Others are locally made within Uganda and some from Kenya top fabricators like Master. All of their buses features on board amenities and services for your comfortable traveling.

All of their buses are covered with premium Insurance to protect Travelers and the company. Below are some on Board features and services:

2 By 3 Seating Configurations, Audio Visual, Charging System, Overhead Lights & Speakers, Arm Rest & Overhead Luggage Compartment.

Perfect Coaches Uganda Service Line

The company offer daily Bus services from the capital city Kampala to the Western Regions of Uganda. They have a route to Rukungiri, Mbarara, Masaka and Ntungamo,

Their services include Parcels Transfer on their routes at an affordable prices depending on the nature and size of the respective Parcel.

Booking of your Tickets can be made at their Offices located in every bus terminals and stops on their routes. You can also make a Booking by their number below this post.

Perfect Coaches Uganda Routes & Timetable

Kampala To Rukungiri
Kampala To Masaka
Kampala To Mbarara
Kampala To Ntungamo

6.00AM, 6.30AM, 7.00AM, 7.30AM, 8.30AM,9.30AM, 10.30AM, 12.00PM, 2.00PM, 4.00PM & 9.00PM

Average Bus Fares On The Routes
Kampala to Rukungiri 40,000 UGX
Kampala To Mbarara 30,000 UGX
Kampala To Ntungamo 35,000 UGX

Perfect Coaches Offices & Contact Details For Enquiry

Namirembe Road Bus Terminal
+256 703 677 775. +256 772 695 969

Booking Contacts
0703 577 841
0782 117 718



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