Home South Africa Buses Olympic Bus Lines Durban Hire, Booking Contacts

Olympic Bus Lines Durban Hire, Booking Contacts

Olympic Bus Line.
Olympic Bus Line.

Olympic Bus Lines Is a Kwazulu Natal based bus company which provide daily transport services to the people located in the regions and other cities and towns within South Africa.

The company Is popular for travelling between Pinetown and Durban and Marianhill and Durban. This company has owned 736 buses since they began a bus service.

The Company doesn’t provided enough information for listing but we
are trying hard to contact the management and we will update all the needed information.

Olympic Bus Lines Offices And Contacts For Enquiry

Olympic Bus Lines
Address: 254 Old Richmond Rd, Mariannhill, Pinetown, 3601, South Africa
City of Kwazulu Natal

Post Office Box: 386, Pinetown, 3600

Telephone: +27 31 706 1371

Mobile: +27 83 786 2665

Fax: +27 31 706 3508

Email: [email protected]


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