Home Tanzania Buses Nyehunge Bus Online Booking Contact And Timetable

Nyehunge Bus Online Booking Contact And Timetable

Nyehunge Express Morogoro To Mwanza Ticket Price

Nyehunge Express Bus

Nyehunge Bus Is a Transport Company which is based in Mwanza Region and it has been in the Industry for more than 10 years.

Initially the company was providing their service within Mwanza region, Serving passenger within the region but later on Nyehunge innovated their services by transporting their passengers out of Mwanza region.

The company is one among the giant and a leader in Mwanza to Morogoro routes with a daily scheduled service during the morning.

They also provide services to other regions and towns of the Lake Zone, They are one among the best and respected company in the regions.

What Fleet Used By Nyehunge Bus?

The company has a variety of Fleet in their List ranging from Scania buses with a Locaaly manufactured body whcih are used to travel within the Lake Zone regions.

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This company also own a big number of Chinese buses like Yutong, Sunlong,  Kinglong and other model which are used for Long distance travel from Mwanza city to moshi, Dodoma & Morogoro.

The company has innovated their Fleet list to Chinese model of Yutong Bus and also they have added a King Long buses.

Nyehunge Bus has Semi Luxury buses and has featured with modern on board amenities to make your trip safe and comfortable.

Their Buses have 2 by 2 reclining seats with enough Legrooms
A/C services with Individual control Devices
Free WiFi To enjoy internet
7 Television To entertain You
Audio System for a good music
USB charging system to charge your phones
Soft Drinks & Bytes available for free

What Services Does Nyehunge Bus Offer?

They are passenger transport company and they are in the Industry to serve passenger with a daily services in those routes where their buses used to go.

They have a good customer services with smart staff to take care of you from their offices to your destinations.

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Also they provide Parcel Transportation from those regions where they have offices and agencies to all the destinations where their buses used to go. Enjoy smart services with smart experience from the company.

Which Routes Does Nyehunge Bus Operates?

Mwanza To Morogoro – Average Price Tshs. 40,000
Mwanza To Dodoma
Mwanza To Ngara
Mwanza To Moshi

What Is Nyehunge Express Contact Number?

For Booking and other please call Nyehunge Express on following Contact Details:

Mwanza Phone Number 0764651282
Morogoro Phone Number 0715278693
Shinyanga Phone Number 0753806699



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