Home South Africa Buses Limpopo Coaches Limpopo Contact Details, Prices

Limpopo Coaches Limpopo Contact Details, Prices

limpopo coaches
limpopo coaches

Limpopo Coaches Bus Services started it’s operations in 2003 with Mr BH and Mrs C Groenewald being the founders and owners of the company.

Both members were involved in another family business and they decided to start a company on their own. Mr and Mrs Groenewald spotted a need for luxury private charter services in Limpopo.

Most of the coaches had to be hired from Gauteng, which made it very expensive, Their Company has received a Golden Arrow Award every year since 2006.

The two members are very active in the running of the business. Mrs Cornelie Groenewald is running the office and is mainly involved in bus scheduling and Quotations.

Mr Bennie Groenewald is involved in workshop, Human Resources, buying of parts, buying of equipments and buying of new coaches. 



Limpopo Coaches Fleet Line

Limpopo coaches CC’ fleet consist of coaches fitted with luxury reclined seats, aircorn, toilet, TV monitors and music systems. All buses have Airsuspension and enough luggage space for all passengers on board.

They cater for the Luxury Market, yet they strive to increase their market by keeping our prices low so that we can also make Luxury traveling affordable for the less advantaged communities.

Traveling with Limpop Coaches is safer, And they offer their clients a R100 000 000.00 passanger liability to cover costs in case of accidents.



Limpopo Bus Company Service Line

Limpopo Coaches Day Tours
They offer their clients transportation services for day tours, when they travel to and from, on the same day

Over period Tours
They offer transportation for clients going on vacation for a period of over one day, when they visit a certain place a spend days touring

Cross Boarder Tours
They also take their clients on tours outside South Africa, Their coaches and drivers are updated regularly for cross border regulations and rules

Limpopo Coaches Also provide their services to the following groups / categories:
    School Tours
    Church Tours
    Conference And Family Tours



Limpopo Coaches Offices And Contacts For Enquiry

6 Zune Street, Magna Via – Polokwane
Phones: +27 (0)15 (298) 8299
              +27 (0)15 (298) 8298
         Email: [email protected]

For emergency transport please use one of the numbers below to contact us. feel free to contact us after office hours of any day.

Emergency Number:Bennie

Emergency Number:Corneli


Limpopo Coaches Interior Views


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