Home Tanzania Buses KSK Luxury Coach Online Booking Contact Number

KSK Luxury Coach Online Booking Contact Number

Dar es salaam To Handeni Bus Timetable

KSK Luxury Coach

KSK Luxury Coach Is one among the best bus companies which provide daily Passengers and Parcels transfer services between Dar es salaam city and Tanga city especially in Handeni town.

The company also has other daily bus routes from Tanga regions to other regions in the country. Their services is reliable by many people especially those Businessmen who frequently travel between cities.

The company is recognized as the best company which bring about changes to the Passengers transportation Industry on the Dar es salaam to Handeni route.

What Fleet Used By KSK Luxury Coach?

They own very latest bus models from Chinese Fabricators like Yutong, Golden Dragonm and Zhongtong which are newly imported from China with zero kilometre.

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Their buses comes with custom interior design to give travelers the best unique travel experiences on the way to their destinations. They do offer stylish travel among others on the route.

Travelers can enjoy the following KSK Luxury Coach on board features and services:

2 By 2 Reclining Seats With VIP Partition of 2 By 1
Enough Legrooms And Arm Rest
Audio Visual For Entertainment And Announcement
Air Conditioner With Individual Control Panel
USB Charging Ports On Every Seats
Overhead Reading Lights And Luggage Compartment
Free WiFi Service For Internet Access

What Services Does KSK Luxury Coach Offer?

They offer a reliable bus services among travelers who used to travel from Handeni town to Dar es salaam, Moshi, Arusha and Tanga rgions at a well scheduled timetable.

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They offer different departure times from early in the morning to the evening depending on your location. Their most frequently traveled route is Dar to Handeni.

Travelers can book Tickets at the company offices located in every bus station as well as their private offices located out of the station. KSK Luxury Coach also offer online booking through different platforms.

Which Routes Does The Company Plies?

They offer daily bus services on the following routes:

Handeni To Dar es salaam
Via Bagamoyo, Chalinze
Handeni To Arusha
Via Moshi
Dar es salaam To Tanga
Via Chalinze, Bagamoyo
Handeni To Singida
Via Arusha

What Is KSK Luxury Coach Contact Number?

Dar es salaam 0713 797779

Handeni 0713 797722

Kariakoo 0712 785959

KSK Luxury Coach Interior Views


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