Home Tanzania Buses Geita Express Online Booking Contact And Timetable

Geita Express Online Booking Contact And Timetable

Dar es salaam To Geita Via Kahama Bus Prices

Geita Express Bus

Geita Express Is long distance bus company that offer daily transport services between the Lake Zone regions and Eastern zone region at an affordable prices.

Traveling between Geita and Dar es salaam has now made easy with this direct travel. You can now Book your ticket for a single route or go and return with this company.

The company has been in the Industry for many year serving travelers in the lake zone regions before expanding their services to the Eastern Zone region. Eastern Zone region’s route go via central zone regions like Dodoma and Singida.

What Fleet Used By Geita Express?

The company has a variety Fleet in their list, Including locally made Scania buses as well as Chinese imported buses like Yutong, Golden Dragon and Zhonghtong.

Sama Luxury Bus Online Booking Contact And Timetable

Most of their vehicles are semi luxury buses offering the best ravel experiences to travelers who always used to move between towns and cities.

When you board this company buses, You will enjoy the 2 By 2 Reclining Seats, Arm And Legs Rest. Other features include Television, Music System, USB Charging Ports, Reading Lights And Overhead Luggage Compartment.

What Service Does Geita Express Offer?

For the reliable and convenience transport from Geita to Dar es salaam, Kahama, Dodoma and other regions on the route, This company is the answer.

You can now have a direct travel between these regions at an affordable prices. They also offer Parcels transportation services to all regions within the Lake, Central and Eastern Zone.

Zube Trans Dar To Geita Online Booking Contacts

Ticket Booking can be done at their offices within the Bus Stations and their private offices out of the stations. You can also Book Geita Express Tickets by calling Customer Care numbers listed below.

Which Routes Does Geita Buses Plies?

Geita Express Bus company provide daily bus services on the following routes:

Dar es salaam To Geita
Time: 06:00 AM,
Fare: 70,000
Dar es salaam To Katoro

Dar es salaam To Kahama
Time: 06:00 AM
Fare: 60,000

Dar es salaam To Bukoba via Kahama
Dar es salaam To Mwanza via Shinyanga
Dar es salaam To Simiyu via Bariadi

What Is Geita Express Bus Contact Number?

For Booking Call:

Phone Number: 0768 091748, 0787 709873, 0629 821519

WhatsApp Number: 0686 094 247


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