Home South Africa Buses Chamboko Deluxe Coaches Contact Number, Prices, Routes

Chamboko Deluxe Coaches Contact Number, Prices, Routes

Chamboko Deluxe Coaches

Chamboko Deluxe Coaches Is a transport company that strives to improve the mobility of people across Southern Africa and to be their intercountries transport operator of choice.

The company is dedicated in delivering a safe, dependable and affordable road transport service to all people, irrespective of race, gender, age, religion or the like.

As a company however, they hold to, promote and conduct their business in accordance with the Christian faith and values. It is their firm belief that God’s purpose for their company is to be more than just a carrier of passengers.

It is their joy and privilege to be a carrier of the good news that Jesus Christ saves, and to bring His hope to the nation and the continent.

Chamboko Deluxe Coaches Fleet Line

With a Fleet of more than 10 vehicles, The company own and operates MCV Buses manufactured in their Homeland powered by MAN and Scania machine.

Their buses offere a wide range of on board Amenities as well as services to make your journey so fresh. Some of those on board features include the following:

2 By 3 Reclining Seats, Arm Rest, Overhead Reading Lights, Luggage Compartment, USB Charging Ports, Television, Audio System and many more other features.

The Company Service Line

Chamboko Deluxe Coaches offer a well scheduled Bus transport between South Africa and Zimbabwe respectively. Their trips connect Cape Town and Harare Cities.

They provide the transportation of both Passengers and Parcels at an affordable cost to every one. You can choose to pay one way ticket or Go and Return tickets.

Booking can be done at their offices located in all bus station on their routes as well as their private offices out of the station. Online Booking Option is available on the link below this post.

Chamboko Deluxe Coaches Routes And Timetable

Cape Town To Harare

Bus 1
Thursday Departure 15:00Hrs

Bus 2
Sunday Departure 12:00Hrs

Harare To Cape Town

Bus 1
Sunday 15:00Hrs

Bus 2
Thursday 12:00Hrs

Bus Fare: Rand 1500

Chamboko Deluxe Coaches Contacts For Enquiry

253 Voortrekker Rd, Maitland 7405,

[email protected]

Cape Town
+27 21 285 0746, +27 84 810 8804

+263 78 978 6318, +263 77 978 4553


Chamboko Deluxe Coaches Interior Views


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