Home GABORONE Bus From Johannesburg To Gaborone, Francistown Botswana

Bus From Johannesburg To Gaborone, Francistown Botswana

Intercape Sleepliner
Intercape Sleepliner
Are You Looking (Bus From Johannesburg) Johannesburg South Africa to either Gaborone or Francistown in Botswana?.Relax, We give you some of the recommended bus companies to travel with them on your trips. These buses are also from Gaborone or Francistown to Johannesburg.
Gaborone, Francistown to Johannesburg Is one among the most famous Business and tourism routes in the Southern African Countires. These routes are served up with the day and night bus services in both countries (South Africa & Botswana).
All bus companies operating in these routes has semi luxury buses, but some of them has even Fully luxury buses. These buses has 2 by 2 seat arrangement, enough legrooms, On board entertainment like Television, Music system and many more. Most of the are fitted with AC and some companies offer fast food while you travell with them.
Bus From Johannesburg
The distance from Gaborone To Johannesburg by bus is 373km and it will took you 4hours and 37 minutes when you ride on 80kph. Distance Francistown to Johannesburg is 697km and it will take you 8hours and 40 minutes while you travel 80kph.
Below are some Bus companies are recommended to travel with on those routes:

Intercape Bus Johannesburg To Botswana, Timetable, Booking, Contacts & Prices

Bus From Johannesburg
JNG Express Bus Gaborone To Kasane Booking, Contacts, Routes & Office

Mahube Express Francistown To Kasane Bus Booking, Offices, Contacts & Routes


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